Saturday, April 19, 2014

Create Student Tablet So Anti-Social

Teacher associations in the UK, the Association of Teachers and Lecturers (ATL), has recently made a report based on the results of their study that says that the tablet has a negative impact on students.

Most students have difficulty focusing on learning and socializing at school because of addiction tablet play late into the night.

Reported by the BBC page, reports the results of this study were presented at the ATL conference title teachers and parents to the area Machester, England. On that occasion ATL confirms that the role of parents in the home is vital to drive their children to be able to use advanced gadgets responsibly.
( Read: opera mini handler )

Colin Kinney, a teacher representative from Northern Ireland said, "we do not recommend a ban on wearing high-tech equipment. We also can not assert the existence of a health risk. However, we highlight fears of social isolation and decrease the attention of the students to things that do not exist on the tablet. "

In line with Kinney, a representative of the ATL, Mark Montgomery, elaborated on the need to use high-tech devices like tablets in matters of functional and educational. Thus, the presence of a sophisticated device can be useful for future students, not only as a medium of entertainment.

"It is our duty to ensure that the technology used wisely and productively by creating utilization of technology-based methods pembalajaran. And we must ensure that students not regress and show aggressive and anti-social behavior as the adverse effects of the technology," said Montgomery.


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